Radioactive decay

1. Complete the following radioactive formula (enter the missing reactant or product)a) (12/5) B = ? + electron(-) + neutrino

b) (234/90) Th = 9230/88) Ra + ?

c) ? = (14/7) N + electron(-) + neutrino

2. Identify the missing nuclei in the following decays

a) (212/83) Bi = ? +(4/2) He

b) (95/36) Kr = ? + electron(-) + neutrino

c) ? = (4/2) He + (140/58) Ce


a) this is an alpha decay of the Bi. The resulting nucleus has Z =83-2=81 and A = 212-4 =208. It is Tl (thallium)

b) this is an alpha decay. The resulting nucleus has Z =36+1 =37 and A =95. It is Rb (rubidium).

c) this is an alpha decay. The initial nucleus has A =140+4 =144 and Z =58+ 2= 60. It is Nd (neodymium).


a) This is a beta decay. The resulting nucleus has Z =5+1 =6 and A = 12. It is C (carbon)

b) This is an alpha decay. The resulting nucleus has Z = 90-88 =2 and A = 234 -230. It is an alpha particle (or in other words a He – helium nucleus)

c) This is a beta decay. the initial nucleus has Z = 7-1 =6 and A = 14. It is C (carbon).